With an excellent foundation in place to automate provisioning of secure
servers with Chef, I spent week two establishing an application project
structure using the Node.js platform. Additionally, I setup a load
balancer configuration with HAProxy and tested it using a local
multi-machine Vagrant environment. Read on to find out details about
this setup.
Value & Exit Criteria
As I mentioned in my previous post, I start each week defining the
business value for the task at hand coupled with concise exit criteria to
know when I’m done. This week’s task will ensure the conversion rate for
subscribers is not impacted as the product usage grows. I consider the
first impression of the product’s experience extremely important and I don’t
want to see that disrupted as I try to scale a system in production.
To complete the task, four critera had to be met:
Setup a project structure for Node.js supporting a rapid development workflow
and optimized production deployment.
Implement a Chef recipe to provision the Node.js application.
Implement a Chef recipe to provision HAProxy configured to load balance
multiple Node.js application servers.
Test the Chef recipes using a local multi-machine Vagrant environment.
Setup a Node.js Project
Given my experience with Node.js from my previous job at Lockheed Martin, I
selected it as the platform to build my product. I intend to implement a
thin server architecture supporting a single-page application.
Essentially, all the user interface logic will reside on the client using
JavaScript libraries such as jQuery, require.js, and
Backbone. The user interface will query an API layer built on the
Express web application framework for Node.js.
Below is a step-by-step guide to setup a basic Node.js project using these
libraries. It assumes that Node.js and npm are installed.
Setup Express. I began by creating a new directory, marinara, and
initialized it as a git repository. Next, I created the package.json file
which defines metadata for the project including its dependencies. Within that
file I specified the Express version I required and then installed it
using npm.
With Express installed, I created a server.js file at the root of the
project directory and implemented a basic application with a simple logging
and configuration strategy. Specifically, I defined configuration through
environment variables (with suitable defaults) that will later be set with an
Upstart script. I leveraged the log.js module to write messages
using the log levels specified by syslog that will later be consolidated with
an rsyslog server.
'use strict';varexpress=require('express'),Log=require('log'),api=require('./lib/api'),pkg=require('./package.json'),app=express();// defines app settings with default valuesapp.set('log level',process.env.MARINARA_LOG_LEVEL||Log.DEBUG);app.set('session secret',process.env.MARINARA_SESSION_SECRET||'secret');app.set('session age',process.env.MARINARA_SESSION_AGE||3600);app.set('port',process.env.MARINARA_PORT||8000);// configures default logger available for middleware and requestsapp.use(function(req,res,next){req.log=newLog(app.get('log level'));next();});// logs all requests if log level is INFO or higher using log module formatif(app.get('log level')>=Log.INFO){varformat='[:date] INFO :remote-addr - :method :url '+':status :res[content-length] - :response-time ms';express.logger.token('date',function(){returnnewDate();});app.use(express.logger(format));}// TODO: setup cluster supportapp.listen(app.get('port'));
Serve static assets and api requests. With the basic application
structure complete, I implmented support to serve static assets both in
development and production. During development, static assets are served
from the app/ directory using require.js to keep code modular. For
production, assets are optimized (concatnated and minified) and placed in
the public/ directory. The single html page, index.html, is an
underscore.js micro-template that replaces script and stylesheet
references depending on the mode.
// configures underscore view engine// TODO: set caching for productionapp.engine('html',require('consolidate').underscore);app.set('view engine','html');app.set('views',__dirname+'/templates');// enables compression for all requestsapp.use(express.compress());// serves index and static assets from app/ directory in developmentapp.configure('development',function(){app.get('/',function(req,res){res.render('index',{jsFile:'public/components/requirejs/require.js',cssFile:'public/styles/main.css'});});app.use('/public',express.static(__dirname+'/app'));});// serves index and static assets from optimized public/ directory in prod// TODO: replace staticCache middleware with varnishapp.configure('production',function(){varoneYear=60*60*24*365,baseFile='public/'+pkg.name+'-'+pkg.version;app.get('/',function(req,res){res.render('index',{jsFile:baseFile+'.min.js',cssFile:baseFile+'.min.css'});});app.use('/public',express.staticCache());app.use('/public',express.static(__dirname+'/public',{maxAge:oneYear}));});
While I have not flushed out the api for the product yet, I went ahead and
stubbed out a basic implementation. I created a sub-application in
lib/api.js where I configured middleware to handle secure cookie sessions,
cross-site request forgery, and body parsing. This sub-application is
exported and mounted at the /api path on the main Express application in
// mounts and configures rest apiapp.use('/api',api({sessionSecret:app.get('session secret'),sessionAge:app.get('session age')}));
Setup Bower and install client dependencies. With the server ready to
handle requests, I shifted to the client-side by defining libraries in
component.json that Bower, a browser package manager, would install.
(I will discuss the installation of Bower shortly). I configured Bower
(in the .bowerrc file) to install libraries to app/components so they
could be served by Express during development.
Setup require.js configuration and main entry point. As I mentioned
earlier, require.js supports modular development of both css and javascript.
I went ahead and defined a main entry point for require.js, main.js,
which includes configuration to use the libraries installed by Bower. I also
stubbed out a simple Backbone view to test asset optimization later on.
define(['jquery','backbone','underscore'],function($,Backbone,_){'use strict';varexports={};varSampleView=exports.SampleView=Backbone.View.extend({id:'sample',template:_.template('<h1><%= msg %></h1>'),events:{'click':function(){alert('Hello Shawn.');}},render:function(){this.$el.html(this.template({msg:'Click me please.'}));returnthis;}});returnexports;});
Setup Grunt.js build system. To test changes during development, I setup
an automated watch and reload workflow using Grunt. When files change
in the app/ directory, I automatically reload the browser window with the
LiveReload Chrome extension. When javascript files change in the / or
lib/ directories, I restart the Node.js server using Upstart. Additionally,
I also lint both css and javascript files when changes occur. To kickoff this
workflow, I run grunt in the root directory.
I also used Grunt to optimize static assets. The grunt-contrib-requirejs
plugin uses require.js’s optimizer to concatnate and minify javascript.
It also concatnate’s css by scanning for @import statements. I paired this
with the grunt-contrib-cssmin plugin to minify css assets. To optimize
assets and move them into the public/ directory to be served by Express,
I run:
$ grunt optimize
Check out this gist for the Gruntfile.js that supports this setup.
With the build system complete, the first exit criteria was met.
Implement Chef Application Recipe
With the Node.js project structure complete, I shifted back to the
marinara-kitchen repository I worked on in the last post. I created
a new recipe, application.rb, that would provision Node.js and related
dependencies and deploy the marinara git repository. Below is the
step-by-step guide to create the recipe:
Provision Node.js and npm packages. I leveraged the nodejs cookbook
to install Node.js and npm by source defining the default versions in the
default.rb attributes file. Additionally, I defined npm packages to be
installed globally on the server (Grunt, Bower) using the LWRP provided
by the npm cookbook.
# includes nodejs default attributes first to override theminclude_attribute'nodejs'# defines node.js and npm version configurationdefault.nodejs.version='0.10.0'default.nodejs.npm='1.2.14'# defines npm packages to install globallydefault.marinara.application.npm_packages={'grunt-cli'=>'0.1.6','bower'=>'0.8.5'}
# provisions node.js and npminclude_recipe'nodejs::install_from_source'include_recipe'nodejs::npm'# provisions global npm packagesnode.marinara.application.npm_packages.each_pairdo|pkg,ver|npm_packagepkgdoversionverendend
Provision Upstart script. Since I am using Ubuntu, I implemented an
Upstart script to manage the Node.js application as a service. As I mentioned
earlier, I configure the application using environment variables defined in
the Upstart script injected in by a Chef template. The template also
checks whether the application is being provisioned in production mode, and
if so, includes statements to start the service on startup and run under
an application-specific user account.
Deploy application. If the application will be provisioned in
production mode (as opposed to development mode where Vagrant mounts the
project directory), the recipe provisions the application user, creates
the deployment and log directories, copies over a ssh deploy key, clones
the marinara git repository, install dependencies, and optimizes assets. A
number of default attributes drive the deployment — the most important
of which is the reference attribute defining the git tag or branch to
ifnotnode.marinara.application.development# stops marinara service if runningservice'marinara'doaction:stopproviderChef::Provider::Service::Upstartend# provisions system user to run applicationusernode.marinara.application.userdosystemtrueshell'/bin/false'home'/home/marinara'supportsmanage_home:trueend# provisions deploy key and ssh wrappercookbook_file'/tmp/deploy_id_rsa'dosource'deploy_id_rsa'mode0400ownernode.marinara.application.userendcookbook_file'/tmp/deploy_ssh_wrapper'dosource'deploy_ssh_wrapper'mode0500ownernode.marinara.application.userend# provisions deploy directory with app user permissionsdirectorynode.marinara.application.deploy_pathdoownernode.marinara.application.usergroupnode.marinara.application.userend# provisions log directory with app user permissionsdirectorynode.marinara.application.log_pathdoownernode.marinara.application.usergroupnode.marinara.application.userend# provisions git repositorygitnode.marinara.application.deploy_pathdorepositorynode.marinara.application.repositoryreferencenode.marinara.application.referenceusernode.marinara.application.usergroupnode.marinara.application.userssh_wrapper'/tmp/deploy_ssh_wrapper'end# provisions npm application dependenciesexecute'npm install'docwdnode.marinara.application.deploy_pathcommand'/usr/local/bin/npm install'usernode.marinara.application.usergroupnode.marinara.application.userenv'HOME'=>"/home/#{node.marinara.application.user}"end# provisions bower application dependenciesexecute'bower install'docwdnode.marinara.application.deploy_pathcommand'bower install'usernode.marinara.application.usergroupnode.marinara.application.userenv'HOME'=>"/home/#{node.marinara.application.user}"end# optimizes browser assetsexecute'grunt optimize'docwdnode.marinara.application.deploy_pathcommand'grunt optimize'usernode.marinara.application.usergroupnode.marinara.application.userend# starts marinara serviceservice'marinara'doaction:startproviderChef::Provider::Service::Upstartendend
Provision application firewall rule.To complete the second exit criteria,
I defined a firewall rule in the application recipe to allow traffic on the
specified application port with the upstream HAProxy server as the source.
# provisions firewall rule to support incoming application trafficinclude_recipe'simple_iptables'server=node.marinara.proxy.serverport=node.marinara.application.portsimple_iptables_rule'application'dorule"-p tcp -s #{server} --dport #{port}"jump'ACCEPT'end
Implement Chef Proxy Recipe
To scale the application servers horizontally with the growth of product
usage, I implemented a Chef recipe to install and configure HAProxy. This
recipe leveraged the haproxy cookbook for most of the heavy lifting.
However, I had to reopen the template resource defined in that cookbook
to use my configuration template instead. The code snippet below demonstrates
this. In addition to providing custom configuration that references
deployed application servers, I implemented a firewall rule to accept traffic
on port 80 (the default value for the incoming_port attribute). In a future
week, I intend to tune HAProxy’s configuration based on performance testing.
# includes default haproxy cookbook attributes first to overrideinclude_attribute'haproxy'# defines haproxy configurationdefault.haproxy.install_method='source'default.haproxy.source.version='1.5-dev17'default.haproxy.source.url='http://haproxy.1wt.eu/download/1.5/src/devel/haproxy-1.5-dev17.tar.gz'default.haproxy.source.checksum='b8deab9989e6b9925410b0bc44dd4353'default.marinara.proxy.server=''
# provisions haproxyinclude_recipe'haproxy'# overrides haproxy cookbook default configurationtemplate=resources('template[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg]')template.source'haproxy.cfg.erb'template.cookbook'marinara'# provisions firewall rule to support incoming http trafficinclude_recipe'simple_iptables'simple_iptables_rule'proxy'dorule"-p tcp --dport #{node.haproxy.incoming_port}"jump'ACCEPT'end
globallog127.0.0.1local0maxconn4096userhaproxygrouphaproxydefaultslogglobalmodehttpoptionhttplogoptiondontlognulloptionredispatchoptionforwardfortimeoutconnect5stimeoutclient50stimeoutserver50sbalance<%= node.haproxy.balance_algorithm %>frontend http bind<%=node.haproxy.incoming_port%> default_backend applicationbackend application <% node.marinara.application.servers.each_pair do |name, addr| -%>server<%= name %> <%=addr%>:<%= node.marinara.application.port %>check<% end -%>
Test with Multi-Machine Vagrant Environment
To finish off the week, I created a Vagrantfile in the marinara-kitchen
repository that creates three virtual machines using VirtualBox. Specifically,
I created a definition for the HAProxy server and a definition for the
Node.js application servers running on a private network so they could
communicate with one another. Here is the configuration below using the new
Vagrant 1.1 syntax:
With the Vagrantfile implemented, I brought the servers up and
executed a quick test with curl against my endpoints. With a successful
response, the fourth criteria had been met and the week’s task complete.
$ vagrant up
$ curl
$ curl